Baker McKenzie’s fifth annual report, The Year Ahead: Global Disputes Forecast 2022, addresses key trends in the evolving disputes landscape. The report includes a new survey of 600 senior legal and risk leaders from large companies across the world.

Among financial institutions (FIs) we surveyed for The Year Ahead: Global Disputes Forecast in 2022, 54% expected disputes levels to stay around the same, 38% predicted an increase, and just 8% predicted a decrease.

Our new episode of FInsight: Global Financial Institutions Industry Podcast examines the Financial Institutions Trends from the Global Disputes Landscape. The speakers from this episode are Amy Greer, a partner from our New York office and co-chair of our North America Financial Regulation and Enforcement practice, Marc Thorley, a partner from our Dispute Resolution practice in London and; Carolina Duque, a partner from our Bogota office.

Key highlights of the episode include:

  • The top three external factors that will drive disputes for the rest of the year include changing technology, the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, and cybersecurity / data privacy issues.
  • Banks and other FIs are concerned about the scale of potential liability for cyberattacks, strengthening data protection laws that give victims greater rights of redress, and the possible imposition of liability for cyberattacks on directors.
  • New standards around environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects will increase scrutiny on FIs, especially around due diligence, disclosure, and marketing of investments – including greenwashing.

The episode broadly covers litigation around digital transformation, tax, ‘business-as-usual’ conduct, and; new environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards.

Please check our report – The Year Ahead: Global Disputes Forecast 2022. The report is available in English, Spanish and Chinese. You can also check our Litigation Intelligence and Risk Reshaped: Tax Disputes Outlook 2022–2025 resources.


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