The latest iteration of our Digital Transformation and Cloud Survey features insights from 500 global respondents, who cite heightened attention on and investment in cybersecurity, AI and the cloud as indicators of digital transformation being an integral part of enterprise thinking and planning.

In this report – FI Takeaways from the 2021/2022 Digital Transformation and Cloud Survey – we provide you with an overview of the responses from financial institutions (FI), together with our insights from almost a decade’s experience of surveying the marketplace and thought leadership in digital transformation and cloud.

Here are key findings relevant for financial institutions:

  • Financial institutions identify cost reduction and increased security as top benefits from investment in cloud computing. Conversely, data privacy and cybersecurity issues are identified as top concerns.
  • Cybersecurity, fintech, and cloud computing are seen by a majority of respondents as key technologies in their respective digital transformation strategies.
  • A large majority of respondents say they consider both off-the-shelf and in-house solutions before making a decision on what to buy as part of their digital transformation strategies.
  • Take up of cyber insurance has increased every year of our survey as new technologies continue to pose new risks and organizations seek to manage those risks as best as they can.

Please check out our FI Takeaways Report and the full 2021/2022 Digital Transformation and Cloud Survey. You can also visit our Digital Transformation Hub to see how we bridge vision and reality to make digital transformation happen.


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